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整个辅修课程将帮助您了解在英语占多数的情况下说其他语言的学生的文化和社会需求. 你将学会识别非母语人士的语言困难,并有效地教授发音, basic structures and vocabulary of English. Field experience will provide you with an opportunity to modify course materials, 教学策略和评估,使英语学习的学生能够参与课程内容, while simultaneously developing their new language.

辅修外语的英语教学只针对公平与正义教育系的学生. The minor must be combined with a K-12 teaching major. 在辅修之前,学生还应该至少有一年的语言课程(英语以外). 

完成该课程后,与英语以外的其他语言专业相结合,可以在K-12教室获得TESOL执照, a major in music education or a major in physical education.

Maisee Yang

Bringing cultures into the classroom

Graduating from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 with an elementary education major and TESOL minor, Maisee Yang is excited for what's next. Whether she teaches fifth-eighth grade in the U.S., or fulfills her dream of teaching abroad in Europe or Asia, Maisee热衷于将多元文化融入学校课程.

“提高意识并承认学生的文化背景可以提高意识——不仅在教室或学校,而且在他们的社区也是如此,” Maisee said.

Read more about Maisee's experience as a Blugold — and her hopes for the future.

Why teaching of English to speakers of other languages at UW-Eau Claire?

Real-world preparation. Professional development is a key focus of the minor. Prior to graduation, 你将被要求完成40小时的最低现场经验,在那里你会把你所学到的东西付诸实践. Working in a classroom setting, you'll have the opportunity to build your leadership and communication skills, 确定你喜欢的教学风格,并发现如何最好地满足学习者的需求. 

Mentoring from diverse, supportive faculty. While fulfilling the minor, 您将从来自不同部门和背景的支持性教师那里学习. 我们的教授拥有丰富的知识和专业知识,并将用它来激励和激励你. Here, you won't just be a number. 老师们会知道你的名字,并不遗余力地帮助你成为最好的老师. 

Quick facts

Licensure information

在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校完成教师准备课程符合威斯康星州的执照要求. Our programs may not meet requirements in other states. 在另一个州寻求执照的个人直接从他们寻求就业的州获得最新的证书/执照信息是非常重要的. Find contact information on each state licensure office here.

Licensure requirements can change at any time. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的教师教育项目办公室确保我们的项目符合威斯康星州执照的要求. 如果你在另一个州申请执照,请注意他们的要求可能随时发生变化.

美国教育部要求各机构披露导致专业认证或执照的项目的信息,以确定每个项目是否符合国家对初始执照或证书的教育要求. Please note:

  1. 在申请另一个州的教学执照之前获得威斯康星州的教学执照通常是有帮助的,强烈建议.
  2. “符合要求”是指学生有资格获得有规定的许可证, typically for 1-3 years, in that state. 这些规定可能是通过课程或考试的具体测试要求和/或能力. In some instances, additional stipulations might be added.
  3. Licensure grade levels vary from state to state. 在威斯康星州有资格获得特定年级范围的学生可能在另一个州获得较窄的年级范围的许可. Each state determines grade ranges for licensing differently.
  4. State licensure requirements may change at any time. 有关执照的问题,请向教师教育计划办公室(

The requirements of this program meet licensure in the following states: Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas

The requirements of this program do not meet licensure in the following states: Not Applicable

目前尚未确定该计划的要求是否符合以下各州的许可要求: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

As a future teacher, 对我来说,在我将要教授的许多文化和种族中全面发展是至关重要的,这样我才能更好地为他们服务. By knowing different cultures and ethnicities, 我能够扩大我对这个世界的看法,当对他们产生刻板印象或偏见时,我能为他们挺身而出.

Mai Lee Kha Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Teaching of English to speakers of other languages minor curriculum

The TESOL minor is comprised of courses like linguistics, phonetics, second language acquisition theory and language in society. Your courses will also address the developmental, social, political and cultural contexts of English language learners' lives, communities and educational experiences. 通过在真实教室的实地体验和多学科的课程作业, 您将学习如何为英语学习者建立有效的课程和评估实践,同时认识到为这些学生提供支持计划以确保他们的学业成功的重要性.

What classes do teaching of English to speakers of other languages minors take?

Your classes may cover topics like: 

Learn more about the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金目录中对其他语言(TESOL)未成年人(K-12)的英语教学.

Additional information

Understanding TESOL as it relates to TEFL

该领域的专业人士使用第二语言环境之间的区别, where English is spoken in the community outside of the classroom, and foreign language environments, where the students' native language is spoken outside of the classroom. If you want to teach in the U.S. (第二语言环境),如果你有威斯康辛州的执照,你可以辅修TESOL. If you want to teach overseas, you would pursue your TEFL certificate.



Find more information about the TEFL certificate

Learn more about 澳门葡京网赌送彩金

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Department information

Photo of students walking in front of Centennial Hall

Education for Equity and Justice

Centennial Hall 3215
1698 Park Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Visit the Education for Equity and Justice department website